Sexual Health and Wellness:
This area of healthcare is often seen as controversial or just too private to discuss. Multiple studies and surveys have shown that 60% of couples experience some form of sexual dysfunction in one or both partners at some point in the relationship. Most of these issues fall into one of two categories, diminished sexual desire or diminished sexual function. Diminished desire means that there is a lack of interest in initiating sexual encounters or activity. Diminished function can include erectile dysfunction in men, vaginal pain or dryness in women, inability to reach orgasm or pelvic pain which prevents sexual activity.
There are, of course, a multitude of factors which can contribute to these issues. Medical problems, normal aging, hormone imbalance, medications, prior surgeries, emotional issues and stress can all contribute.
Communication is the beginning step in evaluating and managing sexual dysfunction. Partners must be willing to openly discuss their concerns and desires with each other as well as with a qualified sexual health provider.
Dr. Fernandez is certified by the American Board of Sexology to help patients with these types of issues.
Sexual Health and Wellness